Thursday, 3 June 2010

The Mileage of a Love Note or Poem

All Text (C) Aisha Ali 1997-2010
Aisha Ali exercises her moral right to be named and acknowledged as author of extracts and quotations.No extract may be reproduced in any context.

Sean Haldane, a nominee for the post of professor of poetry at Oxford, talks about his dual life as a poet and neuroscientist

“I now think poetry has more capacity to change people than psychotherapy”

Listen to presences inside poems. Let them take you where they will.

Poetry communicates human emotion; it is the voice of the heart. It is the language of joy.

Living from the Heart has been running for many years; Aisha Ali its founder has an integrative approach  drawing from Humanistic, Developmental, Transpersonal, Gestalt, psychodynamic and behavioural and cognitive Psychotherapy. It uses energy-based transformational psychotherapy combining breath work, energy work, yoga, Body Work, Art therapy, Drama therapy and Meditation. The programme focuses on relationships with self and others working with couples and individuals and covers a number of themes around relationship pro. Aisha has a deep grounding and understanding in all aspects of Psychotherapy, meditation and the spiritual path, and has a profound appreciation of how different spiritual practices and traditions fit together as a whole.

The Day before my return from running Living from the Heart in Italy, I saw a little girl wearing a retro T shirt in bright colours with Love is..... printed on it, it struck a chord taking me back to the Love is... comic strip created by New Zealand artist Kim Grove in the late 1960s, it began as a series of love notes that Kim drew for her beloved Roberto Casali. It became very popular in the 70’s and 80’s when sending greeting cards and leaving notes and poems was common place. The comic strip follows the various stages of romance, the first blushes of attraction, dating, establishing a relationship, power struggles, moving towards stability, commitment and co creation stages.

The innocence and simplicity of the image moved me, having just spent the week running ‘Awakening the Heart’ Retreat in Italy.

It summed up the week, encouraging people to do just the same, understanding the beautiful simplicity of Love, which can be turned into a struggle by our unresolved wounds and undeveloped identities.

The immersion in the creative process was a powerful way of exploring feelings, especially when it comes to the overwhelming emotions associated with loss, separation and trauma. The process helps people to find a new language to talk about love and relationships.

Communicating and stating intentions clearly in relationships, whilst not getting drawn into recreating trauma and conflicts is a tricky business.

This kind of language is in alignment with authenticity and truth, it is a language which is your own, and it takes you closer, not further away from, yourself.

The use of the creative process allows individuals to find an authentic language which brings people closer to themselves creating a place in which to state intentions clearly in relationships avoiding the recurrence of trauma and conflicts.

By trusting the wisdom of your heart and mind you can become stronger, more authentic and more loving. You will attract all that is right for you and the right relationships.

Learning through Joy is an option we do not always recognise, the power of Love is in its simplicity.

Living from the Heart Retreat

Le Marche ITALY

9th - 16th September 2010

Retreat for couples and individuals

Awakening The Heart is a gentle week long retreat designed to offer you a nurturing space to reflect, rest and renew offering an opportunity to obtain distance from daily life. It has been designed for individuals and couples who are ready and committed to reaching their full potential.

Love is... Universal

Italian: L'amore è...Spanish: Amor Es...French: L'amour c'est...Portuguese: Amar é...Serbian: Ljubav je...Dutch: Liefde is...Afrikaans: Liefde is...German: Liebe ist …Icelandic: Ást er...Croatian: Ljubav je...
Russian: Любовь это... (Ljubov' eto)'Turkish: Aşk ...dır.Persian: ...عشق یعنیFinnish: Rakkautta on...
Danish: Lykken er..

(C) Aisha Ali and Living from the Heart

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Love is....Living from the Heart

All Text (C) Aisha Ali 1997-2010
Aisha Ali exercises her moral right to be named and acknowledged as author of extracts and quotations.No extract may be reproduced in any context.

Love is......the reason we’re here on earth.
Love is……difficult to define, although everyone thinks they know what it is.

Throughout our lives we need to receive Love, and we need to give love.
We first learn about what Love is from our parents' or caretakers. Hopefully we come to understand as adults that Love starts with ourselves before we can reach out to another.
As we develop as individuals we learn more about Love from everyone around us. Seeing and experiencing Love in the behaviour of family members and others. With the proper foundation of being loved as a baby and child, we grow to adulthood able to give Love and also to feel worthy of receiving it. Loving ourselves is a prerequisite for being able to Love others. If this does no happen the path to Love can be a treacherous one causing havoc in our relationships with ourselves and others. Many of us grow up Love impoverished.

Love is….giving, which occasionally can be used to control others we are in relationship with, which far from Love, unmotivated by Love, but by Fear, the opposite of Love, the realm of problems in relationships.

Living from the Heart  next workshop will be held on

10th - 11th July 2010
Deepening Relationships and Advancing Communication Skills

It will explore effective ways to become aware of these negative patterns replacing more Loving ways of being in relationships. Developing the capacity to recognise and accept differences from and similarities to other people. Helping us to understand others and ourselves, Embracing difference leads us to a better understanding of relationships with partners, family, and friends resulting in more open and accepting relationships.

Love is….a healing balm, because love makes you whole. Love is…..a place where you feel welcomed in the world. Love is…. a part of existence; it is inclusive. Love is…. an invitation, where you are no longer an outsider, but needed. Love is… feeling needed, by yourself and others, to be needed, is the greatest need. Nothing else can fulfil that great need.

(C) Aisha Ali and Living from the Heart