I created
Living from The Heart in the early 00’s. Many clients I worked with were interested in the
truth, finding it and speaking it. The truth is so hard. People often question
if they are telling or hearing the truth. The nature of language and its limits
to convey, describe and construct reality,
hinder truth. People reflect and communicate to the best of their abilities. Anything
that is expressed is a small part of their experience.
Truth does not wait to
be told.
So how does a person know when they are hearing
or telling the truth?
Many people struggle to listen to
their bodies and meet basic human physiological needs like getting rest, food,
water, sex, excretion. (Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs)
It takes great patience and practice to
develop the ability to become present and to listen to the intelligence of the
I help people to slow down and become
better observers of their mind, body and emotions. Using a Body / Mind approach
leads us to truth, combining eastern and western approaches to healing using:
Psychotherapy •
Meditation • Breathwork • Energy Work
It is so important to learn to trust
your body to receive accurate intuitions.
A story aligned with reality leads to
deep wordless insights. If the story you are telling does not lead you to love,
connection, and compassion it is not reality.
I have noticed that I am calmer,
clearer and more available to the people in my life both personally and
professionally. I abide in a deeper peace. This is the criterion for truth that
I find to be most satisfying.
I will be running a very special
weekend workshop on:
Advancing and deepening our communication skills
on 15th – 16th June join us if you can
Venue: London
Times: 10 –
4pm both days
in relationships is inevitable. Conflict In itself is not a problem; it’s how
you handle it, either creating more harmony or discord in the relationship.
Dealing with conflict, and learning effective communication skills can help you
to build more successful and loving relationships.
workshop will explore effective ways to become aware of these negative patterns
replacing more loving ways of being in relationships. Developing the capacity
to recognise and accept differences from and similarities to other people.
Helping you to understand others and ourselves, Embracing difference leads us
to a better understanding of relationships with partners, family, and friends
resulting in more open and accepting relationships.
Living our truth as whole beings requires us
to live life as a creative act. This weekend will explore how we communicate in
relationships and how we express our emotions, exploring your right to speak
and hear truth. You will learn skills and techniques to help your relationship
thrive focusing on the cornerstones of healthy relationships.
Book Now