Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Love Relates

Love relates.

Love is about relating to another person.

Love is ever changing and growing, it is a continuum. You cannot be in a hurry to love or know another person. In relating to another we journey through a process of discovery. We come to a deep knowing. As soon as we try to use the structure of relationship to know and predict we do not allow each other the freedom to exist as we are, to love and be loved.

In a state of not loving, we live in a vacuum, feeling empty unseen and unknown .

When we learn to Relate to another we avoid taking each other for granted which is the source of much pain and suffering.

When a person speaks for their partner, thinking that they know the other so well, they   step out of relating into a construct or perception of the relationship and each other, rather than the discovery of one another. This is not relating.  It is impossible to know another completely.

 Love is not about conquering or controlling through being able to define and name another.

Not being grateful destroys love, it is insulting and disrespectful. In these moments you  step out of the present into the past trying to predict the future, worrying about things that may never occur.

When we relate we are consistently learning about the other, we remain curious and alert. We are able to see the multi facets of the other, allowing a depth to our experiences of relating, being and consciousness. Relating is a joyful experience. The exploration of consciousness is LOVE.

Do not reduce your relating into a stagnant ‘knowing’. Otherwise the other person becomes a mirror to you distorted by your wounds.

Through exploring another person you excavate your own inner recesses. By Travelling deeper into another person’s experiences, feelings, thoughts and dreams’ you will come to know your own essence. Love is about continually searching and seeking another.

Discovering new ways of loving one another and being with each other is LOVE. In this process both people remain an inexhaustible mystery.

Love then becomes a constant adventure of relating.

Love more today by becoming conscious of how you relate to another person.

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