Friday, 6 September 2013

30 days to consciously bring love into your life. Day Six

30 days to consciously bring love into your life.

Each day I will be giving you exercises, tools and tips to help you live from the heart to improve your relationships and attract more love into your life.

Day six: Open to receive Love

‘Our minds can shape the way a thing will be because we act according to our expectations’

Many people have not been taught how to receive, it is an innate skill. It’s never too late to unlearn the conditioning that veils your ability to open up and experience love, joy and aliveness.

Your task today is to become aware of how you create blocks to receiving today.

Ask yourself what do you deserve? You may find some beliefs about yourself and others that prevent you from aligning yourself to allow more love into your life. Be aware of how you respond to others when they show love and affection. Do you get uncomfortable when someone shows you kindness or gives you a compliment?

How you respond is exactly how you treat the people that love you.

Notice what happens when you think of making positive shifts in your life? Whether it is in your career, financial, love or relationship situation, does fear arise? If so you are holding onto a belief that will limit your ability to receive.

Consciously invite the fear to surface and spend some time listening to it. Experience it in your body do not judge it, allow it to be in the room with you,  pour love, compassion and understanding onto this part as you would with a young child to help them heal and grow.

Your daily experience of Love begins with being open to receive as much as you are able to give Love.

30 days to consciously bring love into your life. Day Five

30 days to consciously bring love into your life.

Each day I will be giving you exercises, tools and tips to help you live from the heart to improve your relationships and attract more love into your life.

Day Five: Get in touch with your emotions.

There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.'

Awareness of your physical body can help you tap into your emotional self, shifting your focus from outside to inside.

Your body is a direct reflection of your emotional body. Listen to your body and respond accordingly – f you feel tired take time out to relax. If you have an abundance of energy use your body, if you feel a creative pull go and create something paint, write, draw, and move.

Feelings are experienced in your body; an awareness of your bodily state can enhance your ability to identify your feelings.


Practice: Make a scan of your body, Sitting or lying down in a comfortable position (savasana is corpse pose lying flat on the ground arms by your side legs about hip width apart.), take a moment to consciously take in several deep breathes and relax. Close your eyes and bring your focus to this present moment and your physical self. There is no need to try to do anything – just be present and passive. If you need to move to get more comfortable do so if you feel the need to tense a certain body part in order to let go of tension then do whatever brings greater comfort and ease.  Begin scanning your body by drawing your attention to any part of your body that asks for attention.  Beginning perhaps with your head, face, jaw, eyes, ears, and skull. Tune in to what is happening here. What do you notice? Do your best to remain as passive and non-judgmental as possible. You are encouraged to become an objective observer of your experience. At the same time, carefully observe your head, both deep inside and on a surface level. If you notice tension, tightness or contracted muscles, consciously release and relax those areas.

As you feel ready, progress down to your neck, shoulders upper and lower arms and torso. Again, notice what is happening in your heart.  Carefully observe your back, spine and chest area, both deep inside them and on the surface. Again, if you notice tension, tightness or contracted muscles, consciously release and relax those areas. Progress now to your abdomen and notice what is occurring here. From there, move on to your lower abdomen, hips, pelvis, buttocks and thighs. Next, focus on your legs and feet. Once you have finished focus on your hands and fingers. Finish this exercise by taking a few more deep breaths and turning your awareness back to your entire physical self, which includes all of the parts on which you have been focusing.!/pages/Living-from-The-Heart/110918608974105

30 days to consciously bring love into your life. Day four

30 days to consciously bring love into your life.

Each day I will be giving you exercises, tools and tips to help you live from the heart to improve your relationships and attract more love into your life.


Day four: Time to let go of old stories.

‘You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.’

 In order to welcome love into your lives become aware and let go of some of your beliefs about Love, what you learnt from a young age whilst growing up, from your Mother, Father, siblings and significant people in your lives.


Listen to the deep internalised messages; feel them in your body and how they may have influenced some of your decisions now as an adult.


What messages did you receive? Are they true, are you shaping your life to the same soundtrack? What negative messages are you holding onto?

Task: Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the centre so you have two columns record the negative messages and next to each one write down  what  replace the old messages with a new one

I.e.: ‘No one loves me’ on the right hand side you would counter this with ‘I love and approve of myself’

Take some time to write down what you learnt about Love. Today write down and acknowledge what needs to be altered. Each day take a moment to work on each of these messages. Get support if you need to.


Once you stop telling yourself the story about your life and how you are loved and love – they will have less power over you – you are free to shape your own destiny.


By loving yourself you allow others to love you back.

30 days to consciously bring love into your life. Day Three

30 days to consciously bring love into your life.

Each day I will be giving you exercises, tools and tips to help you live from the heart to improve your relationships and attract more love into your life.

‘Our way to practice is one step at a time, one breath at a time’

Day three: Have a clear Vision

Get quiet and clear about what it is you wish to have more of. What will you allow in your life? Develop a clear vision. A simple way of doing this is to create a vision board, or a collage of images, words, phrases that serve as a visual representation of what you want in your life. By writing a few words about the images you have put on the board you set a clear intention for your vision. 

 Gather your images, magazines, postcards and photographs to represent your future.  Spend some quiet time reflecting on what you wish to be in your future. If you could see yourself in an ideal world, how would it look like, feel like, smell like, and sound like?  Feel joy deeply in each cell of your body as you search for images words. Allow your feelings to guide you. When you have enough images and words to create your dream board, get your board and arrange the pictures however you see and feel them fitting together. Go with the flow of your feelings. Then glue the pictures, postcards and photographs on your vision board. If you wish add affirmations on your dream board, making statements in the – ‘I am deeply Loved’ Write your name on the board, and add the date. Now display your dream board where you can see it often, feeling joy when you look at your desired future. Stay positive as you work on your goals.

When you discover the essence of or vision board beginning to manifest in your life, make a note of the date. Always remember to express appreciation and gratitude for the manifestation of your dreams.


30 days to consciously bring love into your life. Day two

30 days to consciously bring love into your life.

Each day I will be giving you exercises, tools and tips to help you live from the heart to improve your relationships and attract more love into your life.

Day two: Share your gratitude

Share your gratitude list with a partner, loved ones, and cherished friends. Let them feel your positive energy. Invite them to share with you what they are grateful for in their lives and count your blessings together. The more you are grateful for the blessings in your life, the more blessings you will receive in response to your vibration of gratitude. Often in relationships we do not take the time to tell our loved one how grateful we are. Make a commitment to change this.

This is a universe law. Being happy does not make us grateful, being grateful always creates happiness.  Express gratitude for all the relationships and situations that did not work out, embrace the lessons you learned, be grateful for your growth, trust and believe in your heart that you are always moving towards more supportive and loving relationships to develop in your life.

Your gratitude list is a bridge across those troubled waters to a resting place on the other side.!/pages/Living-from-The-Heart/110918608974105

30 days to consciously bring love into your life. Day One

30 days to consciously bring love into your life.

Each day I will be giving you exercises, tools and tips to help you live from the heart to improve your relationships and attract more love into your life.

'When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.' Lao Tzu

Day one: Begin a daily Practice of Gratitude

Today spend time throughout the day giving thanks for all that is going right in your life. Too often we dwell on what is going wrong. When we complain we weaken our resolve and ability to find solutions. Dwell on what works in your life today.
Make a list of everything you are grateful for. Begin with I am grateful for...
This practice gains momentum when practiced with patience over time.

Notice your distractions.  Evoke feelings of gratitude as you write - do not worry if it does not come easily. Enjoy the feelings when they arrive, feel them deeply in each cell of your body.!/pages/Living-from-The-Heart/110918608974105