Friday, 6 September 2013

30 days to consciously bring love into your life. Day Three

30 days to consciously bring love into your life.

Each day I will be giving you exercises, tools and tips to help you live from the heart to improve your relationships and attract more love into your life.

‘Our way to practice is one step at a time, one breath at a time’

Day three: Have a clear Vision

Get quiet and clear about what it is you wish to have more of. What will you allow in your life? Develop a clear vision. A simple way of doing this is to create a vision board, or a collage of images, words, phrases that serve as a visual representation of what you want in your life. By writing a few words about the images you have put on the board you set a clear intention for your vision. 

 Gather your images, magazines, postcards and photographs to represent your future.  Spend some quiet time reflecting on what you wish to be in your future. If you could see yourself in an ideal world, how would it look like, feel like, smell like, and sound like?  Feel joy deeply in each cell of your body as you search for images words. Allow your feelings to guide you. When you have enough images and words to create your dream board, get your board and arrange the pictures however you see and feel them fitting together. Go with the flow of your feelings. Then glue the pictures, postcards and photographs on your vision board. If you wish add affirmations on your dream board, making statements in the – ‘I am deeply Loved’ Write your name on the board, and add the date. Now display your dream board where you can see it often, feeling joy when you look at your desired future. Stay positive as you work on your goals.

When you discover the essence of or vision board beginning to manifest in your life, make a note of the date. Always remember to express appreciation and gratitude for the manifestation of your dreams.


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